
Friendship of Allah (God)

  Of all friendships of friends and relations, theare is no friendship that is equal to the Friendship of Allah (God). To have Allah (God) as our Friend, we have a Place of Refuge — we have a shelter from the great stormy tempest of the wicked. The Friendship Of Allah (God) is the kind of Friendship and Refuge that the Black Man in America should seek. We, the Muslims who have submitted ourselves to the Will of Allah (God), do His Will so that Allah (God) May Be Pleased to Do For us and To Be our Friend. Within the scope of four hundred (400) years we have not had a friend here in America. If the white man says that we are from the jungles of Africa, then we say the reptiles, the beasts, and the other wild life of the jungle are better friends to us than the civilized white slavemakers. Now To Have The Supreme Being as our Friend and to have Him Befriend us — we could not hope for a better friend. He is worth all other friends combined. Advertisement › Concerning Faith in Allah (God),

The Disease of Envy among Black Leaders and Organizations

  [Editor’s note: The following are excerpts from a message delivered October 30, 2004 by Minister Farrakhan during the opening session   of the reparations NDABA IV held at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland.] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Each of us has a gift from the Creator that we must offer to the struggle of our people for liberation. Jesus said it so beautifully: “He who would be your leader must be your servant.” Those of us who, for one reason or another, are accepted as leaders must increase our ability to serve. For it is only in serving that which is bigger than we are that we live and never die. That which is bigger than all of us is the liberation, totally, of our people in America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa and the Isles of the Pacific. Wherever Black people on this planet suffer, our goal should be to see our wounds healed, the damage repaired and all Black people free to bring again to the world what we origina

'A Mockery': House Passes Tax Bill That Favors Corporations Over Children

  "The bill provides millions of dollars in tax relief for the wealthy and pennies for the poor," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro. The U.S. House late Wednesday passed legislation that would modestly expand the child tax credit for low-income families while reviving  significant business tax breaks , a trade-off that some progressive lawmakers rejected as far too lopsided in favor of corporations. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 passed the House in an overwhelming 357 to 70 vote, with 169 Republicans and 188 Democrats supporting the measure. Nearly all of the 23 House Democrats who voted against the bill are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), a roughly 100-member coalition whose chair backed the $78 billion legislation. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, said following Wednesday's vote that she opposed the bill because it is "deeply inequitable—at a time when we have seen the gr